Description: Man, I love it when a new scout joins our troop. There’s always the little chill of excitement associated with trying to work out what they’re gonna bring to the table and what kind of man you might be able to chisel out of the raw material they’re presenting you with. I pride myself on being able to hone in pretty quickly on a boy’s potential. Some have intelligence, others have strength, wit, street-smarts, instinct, creativity… Once in a while you meet someone who seems to have all of these skills - and then, well, then all bets are off. Young Zac has an extraordinary aura surrounding him. Tall, handsome, sporty and confident, he possesses a steely quality which implies ambitiousness and intelligence. In short, he intrigues me. I therefore went out of my way to make sure I was selected to oversee his pledge which is a very private and dare I say intimate moment between a scout and his leader; one which always happens behind closed doors. A boy’s pledge is a sacred thing and the scoutmaster to whom it’s made has a lasting responsibility to make sure the scout fulfills his promise and doesn’t veer off the path. It locks both scoutmaster and boy together in an unwritten contract which I personally take incredibly seriously. When I see great potential in a young man, I ensure that I’m his mentor. The first thing I noticed about Zac as he greeted me was how immaculately turned out he was. I was highly impressed. His shirt was well-fitted and ironed neatly, his cap was worn at a pleasing angle, his shorts were carefully belted and his neckerchief was tied with precision. He smelled clean. I was, in truth, a little taken aback, and soon found myself stepping forward to fuss over him, straightening his already straight epaulettes and fiddling with the compass hanging jauntily around his neck. Some crazy and powerful invisible force was making me want to find excuses to touch him and its strength was growing. I stood in front of him, feeling my dick throbbing wildly in my pants. The more I fiddled with his uniform, the more I realized what a firm and well-shaped body he was hiding underneath. He seemed entirely unflustered by the attention, staring straight ahead like a private on parade, in a way which was as impressive as it was frustrating. I couldn’t for the life of me work out whether he was responding positively to my touch. I pulled away and grabbed the pin box. It was time to have him read the oath; “on my honor, I will do my best to do my duty and obey the scout law…” He spoke clearly, without faltering as I very carefully attached the pin to his shirt pocket. I couldn’t quite put my finger on what was happening, but an energy was passing between us. He clearly understood the solemnity of his vow and furthermore, the importance of the bond we were now establishing. I pulled at the toggle on his neckerchief and his eyes met mine. There was a softness, a vulnerability. I heard myself telling him how handsome he was. He looked away momentarily, a little embarrassed maybe, but not angry. Then his eyes met mine again. This time, and for the first time ever, I could read his thoughts and read them clearly. Zac wanted me. I leaned in to kiss him and he nervously followed suit. Plainly this young man had kissed before but there was an innocence, a shyness, a clumsiness about him which forced me to conclude that his sexual experience was limited. Making out with him was a great pleasure, however and we were soon lost in the beauty of the moment. I pulled away to stare into his stunning hazel eyes, noticing the passion emblazoned like a tattoo into them. I knew at that moment that he would do anything for me and the thought was erotic beyond words. Almost on autopilot, I found my hands undoing the buttons on his uniform shirt; the shirt which had just been adorned with the pin which inextricably linked us together. I had promised to be his mentor. I had promised to tap into his potential. I had promised to turn him into a man. And boy was I honoring that pledge! His skin was soft and pale, yet firm. He was a sportsman. He was fit. The undoing of his shirt revealed a waft of some sort of expensive scent, perhaps borrowed from his father. Then he fell to his knees, a look of absolute fire painted on his face. I slowly began to undo my belt then unzipped my pants. His eyes darted from my face to the bulge in my underpants. He reached out tentatively and cupped my growing dick. I began to undress, unzipping my shirt and exposing my tanned, muscular physique. His eyes momentarily traveled keenly up to my six pack, and then back to my dick which was now at full mast. I waited patiently for him to slowly take it into his mouth. He sucked it awkwardly, suddenly shaking all over, looking up at me worriedly, wondering if what he was doing was okay. After hearing a few choice words of encouragement, he began to find his groove; using his tongue, lips and what turned out to be just the right amount of suction and saliva to make me a very happy man. I grabbed the back of his head, thrusting my dick deeper towards the back of his mouth and down into his throat while his stunning eyes bulged. He was desperate to do right by me, desperate to be loved and protected… and to be fucked by me. I stood him up and pushed him against the table, unceremoniously yanking down his shorts. I squatted behind him and pushed my tongue against his hole. He gasped. My beard probably tickled him a little but within a few minutes, his hole was twitching and he was gasping and groaning in a state of very deep arousal. Whether a virgin is ever really ready for his first dick is something we can debate forever, but Zac gave me a very clear sense that although he was nervous, he was ready to try. I knew I had a very great responsibility to take things at the pace he set. This is a huge moment in any young man’s life - one which he needs to remember fondly forever. I spat on my dick to make it very wet before pushing the tip of it into his tight tight hole. He tensed up and gasped in shock as I entered him. Nothing can ever prepare you for that moment. The moment you feel you’re being torn apart. The absolute trust you have to place in your lover. The hope that the feeling of discomfort will soon be replaced by a driving desire for more... Once I’d settled inside him, I began to draw my hips backwards and forwards, pushing my 9-inch penis in and out of his sensational butt while his cries and yelps settled into lustful moans. I fucked harder and faster, my raw dick twitching, sending jet after jet of pre-cum into his bare hole. We switched positions and I threw him onto his back on the table. I was rabidly turned on. A demon had entered my body and it wanted to create pure mayhem, not caring about the contortions it was pushing me or him into. Harder and harder I went, feeling my body slowly losing control and yielding to the destructive devil within. I dragged him to the edge of the table so that I could stand again. The stability of being on my feet enabled me to up the intensity a further notch, and I could feel the semen prickling in my balls as I wound myself up to the point of no return. I shot deep inside him - right into his porcelain white belly. It was a heavy, gushing load. Still inside him, I kissed him fervently before pulling out and watching the semen snaking out of his no-longer-virgin hole. My semen. My DNA. My promise to him that I would protect him, nurture him and value him forever.